Sec 7 T34S R7E
Managing agencies: Klamath Indian Agency, Crater National Forest, Rogue River National Forest, Oregon Department of Forestry and Winema National Forest
Constructed: 1930 - Tree with crow's nest
Removed: The tree is on the ground and considerably decayed.
Constructed: 1930 - An 107' Aermotor LS-40 steel tower with 7x7 cab, ground cabin for living quarters.
Removed: 1979
Comments: The Klamath Agency built the tree lookout, later that same year the Crater National Forest erected the tower with cooperation from the Indian Agency, the tree was only used one season.
Sec 13 T32S R8E
Managing Agencies: Klamath Indian Agency, Oregon Department of Forestry and Winema National Forest.
Constructed: 1935 - An 80' Aermotor LS-40 steel tower with 7x7 cab, ground cabin for living quarters.
Removed: Standing
Comments: Built by the CCC- Indian Division. The tower is currently unused for fire detection and is the base for several communication dishes.
Sec 26 T37S R6E
Managing Agencies: Crater National Forest and co-op with Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: c.1910 - compass lookout
Constructed: ? - D-6 cupola lookout house
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: The Crater National Forest constructed the D-6 and later the KFPA handled the staffing. It is believed the cupola may have been moved to Chase Mountain for living quarters some time in the early 1930's.
Sec 36 T26S R11E
Managing Agencies: Fremont National Forest and Walker Range Patrol
Constructed: c.1918 - Telephone and unknown type of observation post.
Constructed: 1928 - A 40' Aermotor "Special" steel tower with a 12x12 steel live in cab.
Removed: 1941
Constructed: 1941 - A 28' treated timber tower with 14x14 L-4-36 live in cab.
Removed: Still in service
Comments: The lookout was constructed by the Fremont National Forest but mainly staffed by the Walker Range Patrol. At one time The Deschutes National Forest was involved in a three way co-op. The 1928 Aermotor tower was one of a few "Trial" structures manufactured by the company.
Sec 33 T28S R11E
Managing Agency: Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: c.1930 - Unknown structure
Removed: 1949
Constructed: 1949 - An 8x8 non standard lookout house
Removed: Abandoned, not regularly manned after the 1966 fire season.
Comments: This lookout was used in conjunction with the KFPA's Bear Flat Guard Station. The lookout building has suffered from weather and vandalism to the point that only a shell remains.
Sec 3 T37S R14E
Managing Agency: Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: c.1931 - Open platform on the roof of a warehouse building.
Removed: 1967, when station was closed.
Comments: Used as an emergency lookout.
Sec 34 T36S R14E
Managing Agency: Fremont National Forest
Constructed: 1958 - A 20' wood tower with a 7x7 flat roof cab
Removed: 2007
Comments: This tower was used for training and emergency use. The cab was removed from the tower and moved to a local park and set up for display, the tower was destroyed.
Sec 18 T32S R7E
Managing Agencies: Klamath Indian Agency, Oregon Department of Forestry and Winema National Forest
Constructed: 1935 - A 60' Aermotor LS-40 steel tower with 7x7 cab, ground cabin for living quarters.
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: This tower was constructed by the CCC-Indian Division. The tower has been removed but the living quarters still stands.
Sec 7 T37S R5E
Managing Agency: Rogue River National Forest
Constructed: 1945 - Non standard lookout house
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: Due to the rough terrain of the mountain, the materials for the lookout were parachuted in, along with water, food and other supplies.
Sec 10 T41S R13E
Managing Agency: BLM
Constructed: 1964 - Two story enclosed, BLM style, lookout house
Removed: 1979 - Destroyed in a forest fire
Constructed: 1981 - A 29' treated timber tower with flat roof live in cab
Removed: Standing
Comments: This site had been used as a lookout post prior to the first structure, little details have been found. The current structure was classified as surplus property in 2007 and turned over to the landowner.
Sec 9 T38S R6E
Managing Agencies: Crater National Forest, Klamath Forest Protective Association and Oregon Department of Forestry
Constructed: 1932 - A 21' round timber tower with a 14x14 L-4-31 live in cab
Removed: 1970
Sec 17 T34S R10E
Managing Agencies: Klamath Indian Agency, Oregon Department of Forestry and Winema National Forest
Constructed: 1919 - Telephone with no structures
Constructed: 1920 - A 16x16 house with a 12x12 cupola set off to one corner
Removed: 1930
Constructed: 1930 - A 16x16 house with a 8x8 cupola centered on roof
Removed: Still in service
Sec 16 T40S R7E
Managing Agencies: Klamath Forest Protective Association and Oregon Department of Forestry
Constructed: c.1924 - Unknown structure
Constructed: 1935 - A short wood tower with an 8x8 non standard cab, ground cabin for living quarters.
Removed: 1951
Constructed: 1951 - A 20' steel tower with a 12x12 live in cab.
Removed: Still in service
Comments: In 1951 the old lookout was moved to Hambleton Butte. The steel tower was all-welded instead of the use of nuts and bolts.
Sec 19 T36S R6E
Managing Agency: Rogue River National Forest
Constructed: 1950's - Emergency lookout site
Removed: ?
Comments: Was used as an emergency lookout site, structures if any are unknown
Sec T31S R6E
Managing Agency: Crater Lake National Park
Constructed: 1930's - No structures, used as an emergency lookout
Sec 30 T24S R9E
Managing Agency: Deschutes National Forest
Constructed: 1936 - A 64' treated timber tower with a water tank.
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: Built by the CCC and used as an emergency lookout
Sec 27 T24S R7E
Managing Agencies: Deschutes National Forest and Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: 1934 - A 40' round timber tower with a 14x14 L-4-31 live in cab
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: Built by the CCC for the Deschutes National Forest but staffed mostly by the KFPA
Sec 3 T34S R7E
Managing Agencies: Crater National Forest and Rogue River National Forest
Constructed: 1915 - Telephone and Alidade
Constructed: 1930 - A 14x14 R-1 gable roof live in lookout cabin built on rock wall foundation
Removed: 1968
Comments: Lookout was burned by a Forest Service crew
Sec 22 T33S R71/2S
Managing Agencies: Rogue River National Forest and Winema National Forest
Constructed: c.1948 - Unknown type of tower
Removed: 1958
Constructed: 1958 - A 20' steel tower with a 13x13 steel live in cab
Removed: 1970
Comments: The steel tower was airlifted by helocopter in one piece and installed on Sugarpine Mountain. This site viewed the forest from a different perspective, looking up at the surrounding forest instead of down.
Sec 1 T39S R6E
Managing Agency: Fremont National Forest
Constructed: 1940's - Structures unknown if any
Removed: ?
Comments: May have only been used one fire season
Sec 31 T40S R5E
Managing Agency: Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: 1931 - Unknown structures
Removed: ?
Comments: Site was the predecessor of Parker Mountain and was staffed only one season.
Sec 7 T39S R9E
Managing Agencies: Ground Observer Corps and Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: 1955 - A 10x10 two story non standard enclosed house
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: Used for aircraft observation prior to effective Radar. The building was located at the KFPA compound. In 1959 the building was no longer needed and turned over to KFPA for training purposes.
Sec 24 T32S R12E
Managing Agencies: Long Bell Lumber Company and Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: 1920's - Unknown type of structures
Removed: ? Gone
Constructed: 1951 - An 8x8 ground cabin with seperate living quarters.
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: The lookout cabin was moved from Chase Mountain. The living quarters was a converted Weyerhauser crew bus.
Sec 25 T39S R9E
Managing Agency: Klamath Forest Protective Association and Oregon Department of Forestry
Constructed: 1947 - A 40' timber tower with a 14x14 live in cab
Removed: 1987
Constructed: 1988 - A steel tower with live in cab
Removed: Still in service
Comments: The tower portion of the second tower was recycled from the Sycan Butte tower.
Sec 22 T38S R14E
Managing Agency: Fremont National Forest
Constructed: 1930's - An @ 18' timber tower with open platform on southern point of mountain.
Removed: ?
Constructed: 1934 - a 37' timber trestle type tower with a 14x14 L-4-31 live in cab
Removed: 1961
Constructed: 1961 - A 40' treated timber tower with a R-6 live in cab
Removed: Still in service
Comments: Panarama photos were taken in 1933 from the southern point.
Sec 28 T38S R6E
Managing Agency: Crater National Forest
Constructed: c.1914 - Unknown structure
Removed: ?
Sec 7 T33S R6E
Managing Agencies: Rogue River National Forest and Winema National Forest
Constructed: 1942 - A 40' timber tower with a 14x14 L-4-36 live in cab
Removed: ? Gone
Sec 14 T38S R9E
Managing Agency: U.S. Marine Corps
Constructed: 1945 - A timber tower @ 20' with a covered platform
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: Used only one fire season, the Marine Barracks was discontinued in 1946. The watch system was typical Marine Corps, a three man rotation of duties. The watchers lived in a tent at the tower.
Sec 13 T36S R7E
Managing Agencies: Klamath Indian Agency, Oregon Department of Forestry and Winema National Forest
Constructed: A 120' Aermotor LS-40 steel tower with 7x7 cab, ground cabin for living quarters.
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: The original tower for this site was an eighty footer. When it came time to erect the tower it was found that another 40' section needed to be designed and added. Erected by the CCC-Indian Division.
Sec 7 T24S R11E
Managing Agency: Walker Range Patrol
Constructed: c.1940 - Emergency lookout, unknown structures
Removed: ?
Sec T30S R6E
Managing Agencies: Crater Lake National Park, Crater National Forest and Klamath Indian Agency
Constructed: 1925 - A D-6 live in cupola lookout house
Removed: 1952
Constructed: 1952 - A two story enclosed with live in modified L-4 cab
Removed: Still in service
Sec 8 T40S R6E
Managing Agency: Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: 1931 - Tarpaper and board shack without windows
Removed: ? Gone
Sec 26 T24S R7E
Managing Agency: Deschutes National Forest
Constructed: c.1927 - An emergency lookout, undetermined structures
Removed: 1932
Constructed: 1932 - A 20' round timber tower with a 14x14 L-4-31 live in cab
Removed: 1962
Constructed: 1962 - A 30' treated timber tower with a R-6 live in cab
Removed: Still in service
Comments: The tower is situated on the summit allowing two legs to be 30' and the other two 15' in length. This site had been used as a patrol lookout as early as 1915.
Sec 7 T40S R5E
Managing Agency: Klamath Forest Protective Association and Oregon Department of Forestry
Constructed: 1932 - A round timber tower with a non standard steep pitch roof cab, ground cabin living quarters.
Removed: 1956
Constructed: 1956 - A 35' steel tower with a 14x14 live in cab.
Removed: 1997 - Burned by vandalism in winter of 1996
Constructed: 1997 - Steel tower with live in cab
Removed: Still in service
Sec 20 T35S R6E
Managing Agencies: Rogue River National Forest and Winema National Forest
Constructed: 1934 - A 20' round timber tower with a 14x14 L-4-31 live in cab
Removed: 1954
Constructed: 1954 - A 20' treated timber tower with a 14x14 L-4-36 live in cab
Removed: 1980
Constructed: 1980 - A 39' steel tower with a 12x12 steel live in cab
Removed: Standing
Comments: The last tower is all steel of a unique design. The lookout hasn't been staffed on a regular basis for some time.
Sec 13 T38S R7E
Managing Agency: Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: 1930's - Unknown type of structure
Removed: ?
Sec 23 T26S R10E
Managing Agencies: Fremont National Forest and Walker Range Patrol
Constructed: c. 1931 - A 60' Aermotor LS-40 steel tower with 7x7 cab, ground cabin for living quarters
Removed: ? Gone
Sec 12 T34S R13E
Managing Agencies: Klamath Indian Agency, Oregon Department of Forestry and Fremont National Forest
Constructed: 1934 - A 60' Aermotor LS-40 steel tower with 7x7 cab, ground cabin for living quarters
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: Erected by the CCC-Indian Division
Sec 2 T35S R14E
Managing Agency: Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: c.1941 - A crow's nest in an @ 30' tree
Removed: Tree has fallen and badly decayed
Comments: This lookout was built by High School boys working in the forest during the manpower shortages of World War 2.
Sec 8 T29S R15E
Managing Agencies: Klamath Indian Agency, Oregon Department of Forestry Winema National Forest
Constructed: 1936 - A 101' Aermotor LS-40 steel tower with a 7x7 cab, ground cabin for living quarters
Removed: 1991
Sec 5 T34S R15E
Managing Agency: Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: 1931 - Non standard lookout house with separate living quarters
Removed: 1954
Constructed: 1954 - A 30' steel tower with a 10x10 cab
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: The tower was erected at a site several hundred yards east of the original site.
Sec 9 T27S R9E
Managing Agencies: Fremont National Forest and Walker Range Patrol
Constructed: 1933 - An Aermotor LS-40 steel tower with 7x7 cab, ground cabin for living quarters
Removed: ? Gone
Sec 26 T34S R7E
Managing Agency: Fremont National Forest
Constructed: 1964 - A 42' treated timber tower with R-6 live in cab
Removed: Still in service
Sec 1 T24S R11E
Managing Agency: Deschutes National Forest
Constructed: 1932 - A 29' round timber tower with a 14x14 L-4-31 live in cab
Removed: 1991
Constructed: 1991 - A 40' round timber tower with a unique octogon shaped live in cab
Removed: Still in service
Sec 29 T34S R7E
Managing Agency: Klamath Indian Agency
Constructed: 1920's - Structures ?
Removed: ?
Comments: Used on smokey days, was discontinued when Agency Butte was established.
Sec 26 T29S R9E
Managing Agency: Winema National Forest
Constructed: 1970 - A 20' steel tower with a 13x13 foot live in cab
Removed: Still in service
Comments: This lookout was moved intact from Fort Klamath by helicopter
Sec 28 T24S R11E
Managing Agencies: Shevlin-Hixon Company and Walker Range Patrol
Constructed: 1920's - Crow's nest atop a tree at 90' above ground
Removed: ? Tree had been cut down
Comments: The lookout overlooked one of Shevlin-Hixon's logging camps. Most of the tree has long since rotted away, but there are traces of the crow's nest and other structures remaining on the summit.
Sec 36 T28S R6E
Managing Agency: Rogue River National Forest
Constructed: 1950's - Emergency lookout, unknown structures
Removed: ?
Sec 30 T36S R9E
Managing Agencies: Klamath Indian Agency and Winema National Forest
Constructed: 1932 - An 80' Aermotor LS-40 steel tower with 7x7 cab, ground house for living quarters
Removed: 1979
Sec T30s R5E
Managing Agency: Crater Lake National Park
Constructed: 1932 - Two story rock and wood lookout house
Removed: Still in service
Comments: The lookout was designed as a visiors center for the first floor and fire lookout on the second floor.
Sec T31S R5E
Managing Agency: Crater Lake National Park
Constructed: 1930's - Emergency lookout, no buildings constructed
Comments: Plans were made to erect a lookout house on this point but never materialized
Sec 26 T35S R6E
Managing Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Constructed: 1937 - An @100' Aermoter LS-40 steel tower with 7x7 cab
Removed: ? Gone
Comments: This tower was moved from Tule Lake, California where it served as an observation post, it's function at it's new location was to watch for poachers on the Refuge.
Sec 24 T26S R8E
Managing Agencies: Deschutes National Forest and Walker Range Patrol
Constructed: 1913 - Tree with crow's nest
Removed: ? Gone
Constructed: 1919 - An @ 20' pole tower with enclosed platform without windows
Removed: 1932
Constructed: 1932 - A 45' steel tower with a 14x14 L-4-31 live in cab
Removed: Standing
Comments: The early lookouts lived in a stone cabin built at the summit, this cabin still stands
Sec 25 T32S R12E
Managing Agency: Klamath Forest Protective Association
Constructed: 1915 - Telephone and compass/Aladade stand
Removed: ?
Constructed: 1930 - A 21' Aermotor LS-40 steel tower with 7x7 cab, ground cabin for living quarters
Removed: Standing
Comments: This tower has been released to the Klamath County Museum by BLM. The date of removal has not yet been set. The tower will become a part of the Museum's natural history display.
Sec 36 T30S R11E
Managing Agencies: Klamath Indian Agency and Winema National Forest
Constructed: 1929 - An 80' Aermotor LS-40 steel tower with a 7x7 cab, ground cabin for living quarters
Removed: 1961
Constructed: 1961 - A 20' treated timber tower with a R-6 live in cab
Removed: ? Gone
1928: "We are figuring on placing a lookout on Yamsay Mountain just north of the Long Bell holdings on the Klamath Indian Reservation.
.....From this mountain one can see over all of the Long Bell tract and it is thought that a lookout placed there would be of great benefit to the Long Bell Lumber Company in protecting their tract from fire.
.....Mr. Space along with Mr. John Hamilton covered the fire road running north through the Long Bell tract and it is believed that this road can be extended very easily to the top of Yamsay Mountain. This road traverses the ridge running north and south thru the Long Bell tract thru the west row of sections in Range 12 East. This road is good enough for fire protection purposes and the taking of supplies to the lookout. There is not over 5 miles to be built onto this road to extend it to the top of the mountain.
.....The Long Bell Company has a telephone line running to their fire station in Section 18 - T 32 S - R 12 E and this can easily be extended to the top of Yamsay along the road referred to before.
.....Would the Long Bell Company be willing to extend this telephone line and construct the road thru their tract. Would they also be willing to bear half the expense of the lookouts wages as long as he was on the lookout."
(A letter to the Long Bell Company from the Superintendent of the Klamath Agency)
1928: "A truck trail was constructed to the top of Yamsay Mountain bt the Klamath Indian Agency Forestry Department."
1929: "Plans for the house on Yamsay are being prepared by Mr. Davis and he is also getting out the bill of material."
(Memorandum for the Superintendent - May 8, 1929)
1929: "Seven miles of the Yamsay Lookout road has been completed, leaving an additional two miles, which will be completed by July 31 of this year. The Yamsay Lookout will have an eighty foot tower and be equipped with an Osborne fire finder."
(Klamath Agency Annual Forestry Report - FY 1929)
1929: "The Indian Service is building a lookout house on Yamsay Mountain. One of the telephone lines near Silver Lake will be connected with this."
(Lake County Tribune - July 16, 1929)
1929: "The Indian Service is constructing a steel lookout tower on Yamsay Mountain. A road from the west to the top of Yamsay Mountain is almost completed, and the work on the tower will start as soon as the road is done. This tower will serve not only the Indian Service but also parts of the northern part of the Fremont National Forest. The Forest Service road crew, which is building a road into Yamsay country from the east, has been kept in telephone communication by means of emergency telephone wire for fire protection purposes."
(Lake County Tribune - August 2, 1929)
1929: "An 80-foot steel Aermotor towere with 7x7 steel observation cab was erected during the months of July and August. A 12x16 ground house was constructed for the living quarters."
1934: Panorama photos were taken May 19th by Snyder and Arnst.
1935: Narrative justification of projects proposed for 1935. "No. 63 - Reconstruction of the telephone line to Yamsay Mountain. Construction will consist of relocating on road, and replacing present wire with Copperweld, salvaging old wire. The project is important, as it is the intention to use this line as a main line to the Fremont National Forest. No. - 64 - New construction telephone line Yamsay Mountain Lookout to Rodman Rock Lookout on the Fremont National Forest."
(Conservation Working Plan Report - April 1, 1935)
1937: "The Yamsay Mountain truck trail has only recently been completed. The work consisted of widening and grading the old truck trail constructed by the Forestry Branch in 1928, to an average width of 14 feet. The switchbacks were also widened and new open-top wooden culverts four inches wide were installed. The average grade of the Yamsay Mountain trail is eight and one-half percent."
(Report to the Commissioner of Indians Affairs - September 25, 1937)
1961: "Winema Forest announced construction of a $9,000 lookout tower would begin shortly. Awarded the contract were Kyle and Britton construction companies, both of Portland. The tower, of treated timber, replaces an 80-foot steel tower on Yamsay Mountain.
.....The new lookout will be only 20 feet high and will include living quarters in its topside station. The present facility has buckled from heavy ice load during the winter months and Winema officials consider it unsafe."
(Herald and News - August 21, 1961)
1961: "A steel tower and ground house at Yamsay Mountain Lookout was replaced with a new house of modern type design on a 20-foot wooden tower."
(Winema National Forest Multiple Use Progress - 1961)
1966: Two fires were reported from this station. The lookout reported to KFPA, who maintain radio communication at the Forest Service lookout.
1967: No fires were reported this year.
1968: "The lookout at Yamsay Mountain reported an increasing amount of smoke in the same area as a previously extinguished fire. Fire fighters returned to the site and discovered another abandoned campfire alonf the road 300 yards below the previously burning stump. Foresters said later that the stump did not emit sufficent smoke to be observed by the lookout and remarked that the first fire fire fighter came upon it accidently, believing it to be the reported blaze. The burning stump did not qualify as a "reportable fire" because it did not spread out of the area where it started."
(Herald and News - ?,?, 1968)
1968: New casings put on the north and west facing windows, steps on the tower were repaired. A new deck on the porch was built. The outhouse was moved and painted.
1968: Six fires were reported from this station.
1969: Five new window sashes were installed in the tower. A new front door was installed on the living quarters.
1969: Two fires were reported.
1970: Two fires were reported.
1971: Two fires were reported.
1972: No fires were reported from this station.
1973: "Yamsay Mountain in the Chemult District will not be manned during the entire fire season, because of increased cooperation between the Winema National Forest and the KFPA. The lookout will only be used during periods of peak fire danger."
(Herald and News - July 5, 1973)
1973: No fires reported from this station.
1974: No fires reported.
Visited the site in August of 2006. The almost five mile road has been closed to a unmaintained trail. At the lookout site foundation blocks are present for the living quarters, the 80-foot steel tower and the 20-foot timber tower with R-6 cab.